Thursday, November 5, 2009

2 Years of Lily!!!

I can't believe how fast time goes by. Two years ago today, Kenny and I first held our sweet Lily Wynne in China.

I remember wanting to adopt for about 4 years prior to the time we actually brought Lily into our lives. I also remember the overwhelming feeling of "that's my girl" the first time I saw her pretty little baby face. Above are the first pictures we ever saw.

Below are pictures of our first moments together. She had such a frightened look on her face. I admit I was hogging her, so that's why there aren't many pics of Kenny with her. He did get his chance, although it took Lily quite a long time to warm up to him (like a year). Now she calls out, "I want my Daddy!" any time she is scared.

This little girl has added so much to our family. We can't imagine life without her!