Thursday, November 5, 2009

2 Years of Lily!!!

I can't believe how fast time goes by. Two years ago today, Kenny and I first held our sweet Lily Wynne in China.

I remember wanting to adopt for about 4 years prior to the time we actually brought Lily into our lives. I also remember the overwhelming feeling of "that's my girl" the first time I saw her pretty little baby face. Above are the first pictures we ever saw.

Below are pictures of our first moments together. She had such a frightened look on her face. I admit I was hogging her, so that's why there aren't many pics of Kenny with her. He did get his chance, although it took Lily quite a long time to warm up to him (like a year). Now she calls out, "I want my Daddy!" any time she is scared.

This little girl has added so much to our family. We can't imagine life without her!


  1. OK I cried through all of those pictures.. What a hard, sad, beautiful, amazing, time. I feel so blessed to walk through that time with you. Those pictures are beautiful. I miss you...

  2. Oh, Just seeing these from a few weeks ago. How precious! Isn't it amazing to see how baby-like she was? She is beautiful and such a gift! Congratulations!

  3. Aw...what a beautiful post and previous little girl! Time flies, doesn't it? :)

    I hope you're enjoying the weekend!

  4. Oh I am in tears now! Unfortunately, I missed out on all of you guys getting your girls, as we were called first. I see my DH in the background of one of the photos. She is precious!! We miss you all!
