Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Crazy Days

When I started this blog, I swore I would not be one of those people who put out a bunch of posts in the first couple of weeks, then dropped it. Well -- work, school, birthday parties, volleyball, family time, etc. tend to take precedence over blog posting. I'll do what I can.

Abbie has been busy with volleyball. She and I went to a college game, and she got to see how the big dogs play. Her skills are really improving.

Jack and Lily aren't very interested in watching volleyball. At Abbie's last game, they found other things to do like . . .

playing with action figures


attempting to steal a little girl's cheese.

Abbie and I also joined a mother-daughter Bible study that is hosted by my new friend, whose daughter is a new friend and classmate of Ab's. It's pretty much a study of Proverbs 31, emphasizing raising our daughters to be Godly women. Boy, I hope I can live up to that! I make mistakes all the time, but I try to set an example that's not too damaging!

Jack is enjoying his last days of summer. Lots of running free and wild. We were talking the other day, and he said, "We ain't city folk!" We all got belly aches from that one. A while back, he told us that he couldn't believe that none of his friends here listen to country music. Then he said, "I lived in C. . . for seven years, and I know my country."

I don't know where that boy got the notion that we are country bumpkins. Maybe it's because our kids don't wear bike helmets or shoes (Jack and Lily don't wear all their clothes half the time), and they ride around with their feet sticking out of our old SUV with no air conditioning. Then there is the peeing in the yard issue. Oh, and our kids' obsession with touching sheep and goats at the fair. OK, maybe I'm beginning to understand Jack's perception of our family.

Lily is still in love with preschool. She is so social, and can't wait to go see her new friends and teacher on school days. I have a sneaking suspicion that she spends her lunch time talking, because she isn't eating much out of her lunch box. When I asked her about it, she said, "I can't eat it all. Everybody leaves me." I'm sure she's too busy being queen of the table to eat.

I must go grab a cup of coffee and tackle an enormous pile of laundry now. I think I may have been a bit over-ambitious in thinking I could work full-time and have a clean house and pretty flowers in my yard. Wait a minute, my house wasn't any cleaner before I went back to work. But I did have pretty flowers. Such is life.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying keeping up with you guys. I love Jack's assessment of your country folk status!Barbra
