Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fun at the Fair

I have returned. Aren't you excited? I know I am. I DO NOT like being away from my family. There has been a bit of travel involved with my new job in the beginning, but I shouldn't have to go anywhere else for a long time.

After I got home, we decided another trip on Saturday was not a great idea, and the kids actually preferred to go to the state fair instead of Balloonfest. Also, Abbie had another volleyball game Saturday that she didn't want to miss.

We had so much fun at the fair! We saw an acrobat show and a dog show that weren't very impressive, but the kids liked them. They got to sit in some military vehicles, as you see below. We might have some soldiers in the making!

The rides were fun!

To finish the day, we attended a Jeremy Camp concert. He's one of our favorite singers. The praise band from our church was the opening act.

You will never guess who was sitting across the aisle from us, so I shall tell you. Larry Birkhead. Doesn't ring a bell? He's the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby! Weird, huh? At first, lots of people thought he was Jeremy Camp. I knew he looked familiar, but thought, "I guess he's Jeremy Camp. Everybody's taking his picture." I coaxed Abbie down in front of him (Lily followed) and took some shots with him sitting up behind the girls. See him?

I was just about to take Abbie over and introduce ourselves when Kenny told me who the guy was! Then I decided I'd rather not. Abbie and I giggled all night about how I took her picture with him. I am a dork!

I'll leave you with one last glimpse into our day at the fair. When we were leaving after the concert, we walked by the "Mules & Jacks" exhibit. The kids wanted to see, so we stopped in, even though it had closed a half hour earlier. There was a guy standing at the entrance wearing a cowboy shirt, hat, and boots, and a gold chain (yes, a long gold chain). When we walked up, he said, "That's the best part of the fahr, right thar," and pointed to the mules. Kenny asked which one was his, thinking this fella was proud of his animal. Pseudo-cowboy said, "Naw, I don't have one. I jist like 'em." He was hanging out with the mules by himself after closing time. Makes one wonder. Welcome to the po-dunk fair! Heeeee hawwww!


  1. You are a dork but it takes one to know one!

  2. That is one funny story... Glad you had a great day and a funny story that you will all laugh about for a long time...Kristi
