Monday, August 10, 2009

Fun with friends

I have my kids back! So happy for us all to be together again. I think they could have stayed a while longer, but Mom couldn't take it. Thanks, Grandma, Grandpa, and the rest of the family for showing them such a great time!

While we were in town to pick up the kids, Abbie, Lily, and I went to lunch with some sweet friends whom we have missed since moving. That's my Abigail above, third from the left, with 3 of her very best friends, Sicily, Dawn, and Natalie. We were sorry Katlyn was on vacation.

The below picture is of Lily, me, Sharon, Sara, and Celeste. It was so nice to visit with our friends. We love you all!

We'll be going back for the big hot air balloon festival our hometown hosts every year. I'll take lots of pictures to share in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned!

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